This site has been established to preserve the history of Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, Chester, PA, USA and  to be a resource for all those sharing an interest in Sun Ship, it's history, technology, employees, ships, and industrial products.
This site is a work-in-progress and is currently being compiled and edited by Dave Kavanagh  (33M & 79 Dept).   We would appreciate any comments, corrections or additions that could be included at this site. We also welcome guest articles that would pertain to the yard it's history and technology as well as any copies of Sun Ship documentation or memorabilia that could be utilized in our project. 
You can contact me at the following email address:
This site updated on  09/17/2024
Welcome to Sun Ship Historical Society's Website and Home Page
Note 1:     The following information is related to Sun Ship  life insurance  and pension.  Questions can be directed to: 
1.6.17       Life Insurance:      Aetna, Sun Ship Group Life  Insurance contact is Dawn Gorman, Administrative Assistant, Tri-State National Accounts
                 via email at:  (Rev: 06.17.2017)
                 Pension:               Brighthouse Financial: Customer Contact Center: 833-793-0806 (Contact number revalidated 7/12/2023)
Note 2:    Next time your near Harrah's, take a look at our historic marker located on Route 291 at the entrance to the casino.
Note 3:    Please visit our memorial tribute to our John Costello, Vice-President and Historian of the SSHS by going to our what's new page.
Note 4:    When visiting the 'Selections' page, click on the 'What's New' icon for a quick check on what's been added to the site. 
                Concept courtesy Butch Kates and his Sun Oil's ''.
Note 5:    If you find any 'links' that are not working or information that needs to be corrected, expanded upon or typographical errors, please contact me by                                the email address as listed above.

 If you drop by, please sign our guest book, as we are extremely interested in your thoughts about the site, the type of information that would be of interest to others as well as informing us of other sites related to shipbuilding.  In addition, consider looking over "View Entries", as this has become a gathering spot for people who would like to establish contact with others, either with similar interests or renewing old friendships. 
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Copyright Sun Ship Historical Society-2024
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