The Sun Ship 'History Panel' Page
The SSHS has created a series of 'history panels' that give us the ability to display Sun Ship's history in a story-board format, starting with key historic events in our history but, giving us the ability to easily expand them to cover new or enhanced information..
SSHS hopes that you will find these 'history panels' both easy to navigate and informative. As with all other areas of the website;
1) If you can contribute new subjects or additional information on existing panels, please let us know by contacting SSHS from the email address on the home page.
2)We have done our best to insure the accuracy of the information presented on the site. However, this information is from multiple and varied sources including past employees memories of events during the Sun Ship era. The accuracy of this information cannot be guranteed.

100th Anniversary Celebrating the Launching of Sun Ship's Hull No. 1, the 'Chester Sun'
c: 1916-1918
100th Anniversary of Sun Ship's Participation in World War I
c: 1916-1964
The Pew Influence - Hands-on-Management
c: 1916-1917
The Wetherill Plant & The 'Chester Sun' Hull-001
c: 1916-1918
World War I & Sun Ship's Contribution of 9 Vessels
c: 1941-1945
WWII: Sun Ship and Women-at-War
c: 1920's
The 1920 Expansion including; 2 Dry Docks...
c: 1924
The Sun-Doxford Diesel Engine
c: 1930's
Sun Ship and the Great Depression
'White Flash' Hull 138. First all-welded sea-going tanker
c: 1941-1945
WWII: Sun Ship and 28-Ways to win the war-World's largest single shipyard
c: 1941-1945
WWII: Sun Ship and No.4 Yard a primarily African-American Yard
c: 1916-1917
Sun Ship - In the beginning
Access to a panel is gained by clicking on the Sun Ship icon to the left of the dates and description.
Note 1: A section on Industrial Products is in process and will be appearing shortly-dmk

c: 1941-1945
WWII: Sun Ship's Tankers-at-War
c: 1941-1945
WWII: Sun Ship and the War Year Tankers, building the first T2 and T-3 tankers
c: 1941-1945
WWII: Sun Ship and Our Converted Hospital Ships
c: 1950's
Sun Ship in the 1950's including the dredge 'Essayons' and 'Delaware Sun'
c: 1957-1958
The 1957-1958 Expansion and opening the door for the 50,000-ton Supertankers
c: 1960's
Sun's first supertanker 'Atlantic Heritage' and the first commercial GTS, the 'Adm. Wm. M. Callaghan'
1960's Cont.
The 60's Continued with the RO/RO 'Ponce de Leon', world's fastest cargo ship
c: 1969
The conversion of the tanker 'Manhattan' into the world's largest ice-breaker
c: 1974
'Mobil Arctic' largest commercial vessel built in the U.S. and the famous 'Glomar Explorer'
c: 1974-1975
New shipbuilding facility in North Yard based on building 400,000-ton vessels
c: 1980-1982
Sun Ship: 1916-1982